Monday, September 15, 2008

I chose the March post. I chose this one because my birthday is in March and I hate making decisions so this made it easier for me. The post is called 2020 Vision on DesignShare. At first he talks about how he and another gentlemen through Doc sharing collaborated and designed this video/blog and they have never met. Now the blog is showing in many different design school architects, planners and designers. Karl Fisch said "The kindergartners that started school in 2007 will graduate in the spring of 2020." He is trying to explain that we need to have 2020 vision.

As educators we have a committment to teach students and help them get into college. Therfore, we have to think of the future. The future is what Karl Fisch was trying to explain with his blog. We as in educators, architects, workers of all kind need to be prepared for the future. The world is changing fast and if we live in the past our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and so forth will not be able to make it in the "real world".

I encourage everyone to look this blog over. Its kind of lengthly but very worth while.

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