Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Wow!! I never thought I would actually participate in a podcast. After listening to myself I started laughing. I am so country. I think we did a great job. I was very nervous because I had never done anything like this before. I wanted to do the topic about the different websites for teachers because I thought it was something I and all other teachers could get some use out of.

I think we could have went into more detail on some things. Also, I think we should have found a few more websites. If we had more websites we would have a little more to talk about and maybe not have paused so much. I had a great time doing the podcast and if I ever do another one I will know what not to do. :)

I listened to a couple of our classes podcast and it was really neat to hear them talking on the computer compared to when we listened to them actually doing their podcast. I think everyone did an excellent job. I also think most people were nervous about doing it and then when it was over it was kind of like why was I nervous about that.

I would like to do a few more podcast just to get a better feel of it. This is something that students would have such a good time doing and in order for me to let my studnets do podcast I can not be nervous.

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