Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mathematics with Technology

Who would have thought that today technology goes just about anywhere you want to take it? I have never used the internet as much as I have in this class but its a good thing. It has opened my eyes to various ways of learning and teaching. There are so many websites that give someone so much information in every subject. I watched a podcast about math. It told about why people do not like math, why people do and it gave different feedback about how a teacher or student could better understand. This is great because it shows me that there are different ways a student can learn outside the school. As a teacher we could give students different websites to go to for practice. Not only for math but for all subject areas.

The internet is such a great tool to use in the classroom. If you have to proper funds and such. As teachers I think we should consider letting our students use the internet in class and outside the class to grow their minds. We all need to try and learn new things right? Is this not what we teach our students. So why not let them use the internet as a learning tool. They could even do their own podcast!!

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